Currently Under Construction: Featuring long term Avon projects that are currently in process. Laytonia Recreational Park is being constructed for Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, in Montgomery County. The project begin in 2013 and will complete in 2017.
Construction of the park consists of the development of 51 acres and will result in three lighted rectangular fields, one with artificial turf and two with natural turf, one lighted adult baseball field, bathrooms/pavilion, playground, half-basketball court, trail network, and parking. Click on any of the imagines to enlarge.

With construction well underway things are beginning to take shape. All the fields are clearly defined and construction on some of the field surfaces have begun. The 2 natural turf rectangular athletic fields are ready to be planted with Bermuda Sprigs, the root zone is completed. The natural turf baseball field is ready for seeding and the 1 synthetic turf field is ready to be top-dressed with the finishing stone and the turf will be installed in September.
The irrigation system is operational. The water quality swales are 75% complete, along with about 20% of the green areas.

We have Avon’s Masonry teams working on the stone gravity wall, utility structure and concession stands. The stone gravity wall has a striking natural stone veneer. The Maintenance Building is ready for the metal roof and the hardi-plank siding, block walls are completed, windows & doors will be installed soon

Heavy dirt and earth work is underway for screening and stock piling top soils for dressing the site in its final stages. All the Athletic Lighting is wired and panel work is 50% completed. The site concrete will begin soon and the park should be completed by the 1st of next year.

There is still plenty of work to be done but Avon has come a long way sense breaking ground on the site.

Be sure to check back with us again soon to see the further progress on Laytonia Recreational Park.
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