Its a Way Back Wednesday! Avon takes a look back into our project history and featuring a more detailed look into one of our completed projects.
This Wednesday we are featuring James Hunter Park completed for Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation Services . The renovation took what was formally an eye sore and underutilized area of land between N. Hartford Street and N. Herndon Street and transformed into a multi use park with different areas allotted to for the the canine park with a play area as well as public park areas open for social gatherings and relaxation.
The park utilized many green features such permeable surfaces that allow for rain to be collected and reused. The water feature installed will collect all rain water throughout the site to be recycled and reused in the water features and for irrigation watering the plants in the park.

This project best show cases Avon Corporations ability to self preform specialty work, including the earthwork infrastructure, concrete retaining walls and site concrete.

The completed project adds to the Arlington community allowing a safe place to exercise their dogs and relax in a beautiful space amongst bustle of Arlington living. If your in Arlington this spring and are looking for a great outdoor space to eat lunch, swing on over to James Hunter Park.

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